
Aug 7, 2021

smoke blown in from California burning: but we have fires too: canyon fires: house fires: sparklers that fizzle out on watered lawns: this is drought country: I’m watching the Earth tell me something: everyday: like a knock at the door.

smoke billows into the valley: we drive through it: the red sun following slowly: as if it was getting older: less willing to chase humans down and vitaminize their life: I get that: I’m tired of us too.

finally: I breathe what the sky casts my way: reaping the work of generations: there are lessons in the poison: hope floating on pools of mercury: remember that dread is common: remember we can feel our grief: and keep going: but: in what: direction.

Send me your #poems, I’m always looking to read new work and offer encouragement!

I’m on Twitter as @bipolar_greg

